They are acting to optimize compounding and recycling processes as well as tracers and aids for process analysis. The three main categories of additiv masterbatches are described now.
M2Save - cycle-time reducer
Depending on polymer and moulding applications there are different routes for shortening the cycle-times. M2Save is key word for a whole product familiy.Savings of 20-25 % cycle-time are realistic, also with highly filled systems. The additive masterbatches are consisting of different polymer and specialty mineral compositions.
M2Foam ECO - foaming agent
For trials available under “M2Foam Eco”. Foaming agent is water, coming from a naturally mined mineral degrading under plastics processing conditions. For the development of this system the Upper Austrian Country Innovation Prize 2014 was given!
M2React - cavenger additives
Development of M2React - masterbatches are able to cavenge very certain molecules during processing. M2React D stands for a highly effective drying masterbatch, cavenging moisture highly effective and irreversibly. It’s usage will prevent any predrying action!M2React O series is tailor made solutions to cavenge odors. They are created according a fixed trial series with M2Watch - device. See subject VOCs.
They are acting to optimize compounding and recycling processes as well as tracers and aids for process analysis. The three main categories of additiv masterbatches are described now.
M2Save - cycle-time reducer
Depending on polymer and moulding applications there are different routes for shortening the cycle-times. M2Save is key word for a whole product familiy.Savings of 20-25 % cycle-time are realistic, also with highly filled systems. The additive masterbatches are consisting of different polymer and specialty mineral compositions.
M2Foam ECO - foaming agent
For trials available under “M2Foam Eco”. Foaming agent is water, coming from a naturally mined mineral degrading under plastics processing conditions. For the development of this system the Upper Austrian Country Innovation Prize 2014 was given!
M2React - cavenger additives
Development of M2React - masterbatches are able to cavenge very certain molecules during processing. M2React D stands for a highly effective drying masterbatch, cavenging moisture highly effective and irreversibly. It’s usage will prevent any predrying action!M2React O series is tailor made solutions to cavenge odors. They are created according a fixed trial series with M2Watch- device. See subject VOCs.
more infos soon
Specialty minerals
Actual development are water attractingpackagings, taking up 30 times of their ownweight as water!
raw masterials, formulations, marketing & markets new products, new processes, new applications marketing & escorted market start up